Who We Are
Robert with former President Alan Shepard, signing 5th Collective Agreement
Featured speakers Stephanie Mitelman and Deepak Chopra, Children's Autism Centre, Edmonton AB
Robert Soroka - Panelist at CAUT National Conference discussing negotiation trends -January 17, 2020
Nick Papatheodorakos and Robert Soroka, with CAUT Executive Director David Robinson and CAUT former President James Compton.
2019-20 Concordia Student Union Executive with Robert Soroka and Nick Papatheodorakos
Concordia Senator Leslie Barker, with Concordia Senator Sally Cooke, at CUPFA Holiday Dinner, December 19, 2019
Robert and Nick, with CUFA Executives: Vice President Ted Stathopoulos, Legal Counsel Genevieve Robichaud and President Ian Rakita at CAUT conference
Stephanie Mitelman and colleagues at 20th anniversary celebration of department of Applied Human Sciences
Dr. Eleni Panagiotarakou (with daughter) at inaugural CUPFA Holiday Dinner
Graham Carr and Robert Soroka sign CUPFA's 6th Collective Agreement
Scott Chlopan (along with past president Dr David Douglas) at Concordia Shuffle; Scott coordinates the CUPFA contingent annually.
Stephanie Mitelman and Robert Soroka at CUPFA Holiday Dinner, December 18, 2019
Robert Soroka with CUFU and CUCEPTFU presidents supporting CULEU, Feb 5 2020