What are CUPFA members saying?
“Why do I back Robert Soroka and his team? His record of achievements for CUPFA speak volumes. Two Collective Agreements delivered in one term - no President has given us this. He faced major crises, and prevailed. He has advanced our rights, our working conditions, and compensation. He has been innovative for members with under 24 credits, helping them grow within CUPFA. He has been fair and deliberate. He has earned a second mandate.”
Dr. David Douglas
Past President - CUPFA
“As the former CUPFA President and founder for over 24 years, I am interested in the facts and how our rights and working conditions have accelerated under the Soroka’s leadership. Members need to research the facts before taking a leap of faith into the unknown. Soroka’s team will ensure transparency with professional development funds, ensure improvements with communications and with mobilization to enhance unity among the membership. Now is the time to support a platform that has worked in the last three years. Vote for solidarity and the expansion of our working conditions.”
Maria Peluso
Past President - CUPFA
“I urge everybody to get out and vote at the CUPFA AGM or at the early voting opportunity. I am supporting Robert Soroka for our President again this time. In the past three years he has quietly achieved so much for all of us, including an excellent new collective agreement, one of the best in North America. He and his Executive also successfully negotiated a very good end-of-year bonus in the form of back pay for all of us. He is well qualified as a lawyer to negotiate and represent us, not forgetting that he is well respected by the University administration. His quiet and reasonable approach to CUPFA issues, and his ability to lead means that I will definitely give him my vote. I have held many different positions in CUPFA over the past thirty years, Vice President Professional Development, Executive Secretary, assistant grievance officer, CUPFA rep on the Arts and Science Faculty Council, CUPFA rep for the Code of Rights and Responsibilities, so I have a broad understanding of the work to be done. Robert Soroka and his team are well equipped to do the job.”
H. Angela Ford Rosenthal
Department of Sociology, Former CUPFA Executive
"It is easy to attack the past while casting aspersions on the present and making grandiose claims about the future, a strategy that I expect to take up a chapter titled "The Art of the Spiel" in Donald Trump's presidential biography. It is easy to reuse ideas that an existing, executive has been working on for years as platforms or goals, without even giving credit. The hard part is meeting with members and administration, day in and day out, over weeks and months and years, to craft and implement plans that balance diverse needs and constraints -- I have personally watched Robert Soroka and Patrice Blais go above and beyond to do this."
Stuart Thiel
Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
“Eleni Panagiotarakou’s position as Chair of Research & Professional Development is a major one and involves many facets of expertise, exchange of information and a fine-tuned ability to communicate. Eleni has gone the extra steps to provide workshops, power points and consistent office hours for our union members. Her abilities to synthesize, communicate and convey information with clarity and patience are outstanding; her professionalism and integrity are admired and appreciated. Hopefully she will have this essential position in the coming year.”
Joanabbey Sack
Department of Creative Arts Therapies
“This is my 25th year as a P/T faculty. I have seen many changes and many faces in the union, as well as at the university-level. I encountered some big issues while Robert has been president and feel very lucky to have had him at my side throughout those difficulties. From late night telephone calls, to prompt attention and communication with university officials, he guided me, supported me and protected me, by directing me through some delicate meetings. His strategy of maintaining diplomatic relationships paid off for me, when his carefully groomed connections led the way to the prompt resolution to my situation. He always listened to me. I was quite surprised on one occasion when I received a direct email from the Deputy Provost in response to some questions that had not been properly addressed by my department. I have every confidence in his abilities and in his team.”
Laura Endacott
Studio Arts Department
“I am proud of my continued support for Robert and his team. Always professional. I am impressed by his new communication platforms he has provided to the membership like Town Halls (a first) and Under 24 Credits Club (also a first) that are open and financial practices that are stellar in a business sense. I for one, appreciate the integrity the Soroka team demonstrates, the unity of CUPFA they have as a goal, and a pragmatic platform which is sound and achievable.”
Sally Cooke
Member of Senate
Creative Arts Therapies
“Having taught at Concordia for over 17 years, I can safely say that Robert Soroka and his team are by far, the best and most competent admin team CUPFA has ever had. Everything from substantial pay increases to being there when I’ve needed them to simply listening. Thanks, guys, keep up the good work…”
Pierre Hilal, CPA, CMA
Department of Accountancy
I have known Robert Soroka, Patrice Blais, Eleni Panagiotarakou, June Riley, Scott Chlopan, and their entire team for many years. I have seen first-hand that they work incredibly hard for the rights of all CUPFA members, going above and beyond the call of duty. They demonstrate a high degree of integrity in all of their work for CUPFA.
Over the years they have built up a huge degree of experience and knowledge, which is it important that we retain in our union. They have also developed an intimate knowledge of our collective agreement, which needs to be renegotiated on a regular basis. They know exactly which clauses need to be adjusted, and which demands we can make which are reasonable and beneficial to us. Their personal contacts with senior administration members are also of high importance in this regard.
It is vitally important that we re-elect them this year so that they can continue to work and fight on our behalf.
Tom Hughes
Department of Mathematics / CSSE
“Scott Chlopan has been the voice of Part-time Faculty in our department for many years. In my 34 years at Concordia, Scott has been the strongest representative for our rights and needs we have ever had. I strongly endorse Scott's re-election.”
Jesse Hunter
Department of Education
“I have known Robert Soroka and Nick Papatheodorakos for over 10 years. Over that time, I have known them both to be tireless workers, always attentive, responsive and delivering on their word. I am impressed by the numerous gains that their team has achieved thus far and look forward to continued successes moving forward.”
Bruno Delorme
Department of Marketing
“We are living in times of economic austerity where, across private and public sectors across North America, labour is losing out with each collective agreement signed. This is largely the case at our university, even. This is why I do not hesitate to endorse "Team Robert Soroka", whose President and VP CA skillfully and masterfully have negotiated a beautiful Collective Agreement that benefits CUPFA members and improves our workplace conditions across the board. Through the tactful and thoughtful relationship, they have built with the university, our CUPFA leadership has gotten us gains like no other union I've seen in recent history. We must continue on this path and not allow our members' interests to be hurt because of petty politics.”
Maxwell Silverman
Department of Political Science
“I would like to endorse incumbent president Robert Soroka and his team for the upcoming CUPFA Executive. Robert’s team has proven their support and concern for our membership through the successful negotiation of our generous collective agreement and through the candidness with which this team has operated over the past 3 years. On an individual basis Robert has never hesitated to provide assistance or backing to members when requested, for which I personally am grateful.
You have my vote and I am hoping for your success.”
Jacqueline Peters
Department of CMLL
“As CUPFA’s chief financial officer and Treasurer, I am delighted to be acclaimed for another mandate, Under Soroka’s leadership, rest assured our finances are not only transparent but point to our growth and efficiency. No crisis there. I also serve on the Pension and Benefits Committee for the University. A position Soroka succeeded in obtaining for CUPFA. We can now sit with FT faculty on a Committee which is critical for our rights and benefits. If you are looking for financial accountability, think no further. Robert’s team must continue to represent the sound financial practices I and his team has established.”
June Riley
Treasurer - CUPFA
“Robert Soroka is readily available when contacted, tackles and resolves his members’ problems. He is a real doer who takes matters at heart, someone responsible and reliable.”
Patrizia Putalivo
Department of CMLL
“Robert: I am impressed with your leadership, dedication, and work as well as the work of your congenial team, clearly seen with the arduous and eventually successful negotiations for the collective agreement. I do appreciate your efforts to address my concerns and those of my colleagues in the music department about access to practice rooms. Also, Patrice Blais was helpful to me with prompt and valuable legal advice. You and your team have won my confidence.”
Craig Morrison
Department of Music
"I unequivocally endorse Eleni Panagiotarakou for the position of Chair of Research and Professional Development. I came to know Eleni during the high of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and have kept in regular touch with her on several matters since. During this period, she showed her commitment to work in various ways, making her a suitable candidate for the said position: she took a personal interest in solving problems, was very prompt in her responses, was always encouraging, and was humble in her demeanour."
Pankaj Kamthan, PhD
Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSSE)
"I would like to provide my full endorsement for Eleni's continued work in support of the CUPFA members as Chair of Research and Professional Development. Eleni has been instrumental in my endeavours at Concordia to do research and professional development to complement my teaching curriculum and skills."
Nicolangelo Piccirilli
Department of Supply Chain and Business Technology Management
"I believe Eleni Panagiotarakou manifests an unwavering commitment to supporting PT faculty in research activities. I have been extremely impressed with the qualities she has demonstrated in her capacity as Chair of Research & Professional Development; In particular, her responsiveness, kindness, and a great deal of generosity of time, patience, and professionalism."
Adele Beaudry
Department of Studio Arts, Painting & Drawing
"I highly recommend Eleni Panagiotarakou as Chair of the Research & Professional Development. She certainly helped me,
and life is about helping each other".
Bernard Gamoy
Department of Studio Arts, Painting & Drawing