Top 10 Gains for CUPFA Members in the Last 3 Years


Here is an idea as to what we have done during this 3 year mandate that allows CUPFA professors to enjoy a better professional position:

  1. Created several new lines of communication for members to express their thoughts and contribute ideas openly: In the last 3 years we have created and hosted multiple: Town Halls, the “Under 24 Credit Club (to address those issues specific to less senior members), Coffee/Lunch with the President, our annual Holiday Dinner event. As well, the Chair’s Lunch with CUPFA (this opportunity to break down barriers to communication in a relaxed, informal setting has already reaped dividends).

  2. Successfully negotiated two Collective Agreements within 3 Years; we are working under a current Collective Agreement for the first time in over a decade. Our current Collective Agreement is one of the strongest in Canada for Part-Time (Contract) Professors, generated strong monetary gains, and provided quicker access to the university health benefit plan and tuition waivers.

  3. Reduced LTA sections and increased CUPFA sections, translating to an aggregate salary increase of $873,000 (in 2020 dollars).

  4. Secured seats on both the Pension Committee and the Health and Benefits committee; we have a strong voice at these tables.

  5. Integrated an Online Course Development Agreement, memorialized in our current Collective Agreement, that protects both work assignment rights and intellectual property rights in significant ways.

  6. Committed to sustainability by elimination of most paper-based communications and continued divestment from non-renewable energy sources.

  7. Successfully cultivated national associations with Canadian and Quebec unions through our membership with the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT); CUPFA has presented nationally three times in the last year.

  8. Strengthened our ties with both the Concordia Student Union CUFA, and the other Concordia unions  through our leadership at the Inter-Union Council.

  9. Lowered CUPFA members’ minimum threshold to access the comprehensive health plan benefits, the RAMQ Drug Plan, and tuition waivers.

  10. Reduced our grievances significantly by cultivating stronger working relations with the Office of the President, the provost’s Office, the Deans’ offices, and Department Chairs, leading to more collegial pre-grievance conflict resolutions.

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