Professional Development and Research: Advancement and Governance
Raise the maximum per project from $6,000.00 to $7,500.00 (fund of $240,000.00 to $310,892.00) (increase of 30%)
Facilitate research collaboration opportunities
Overcome governance issues associated with the current grant application and adjudication process
Increase members’ participation in the grant adjudication process
Ensure that Professional Development and Research funding is equally available to all members in all faculties
Promote to ALL members the availability of Professional Development funds and opportunities
Demand the assignment of seniority points to members awarded a University-administered research grant
(e.g., NSERC, SSHRC or CIHR)Ensure that no member’s grant application is summarily dismissed without a review by the entire Executive
Establish a reserve fund specifically for CUPFA members at the Open Access Fund (at the moment only graduate students have priority reimbursements).
Create a workshop and publish a guidebook on “How to” for conferences:
How to find a suitable conference for one’s work
How to apply to a conference
How to avoid "predatory" conferences
Create a workshop and publish a guidebook on “How to” for publications in peer-reviewed journals and edited volumes (How does one determine the suitability, credentials, and Impact Factor (IF) of a journal?)
Increase visibility of research output. Establish a clear and effective pathway for inclusion into Concordia’s Spectrum; personal page at Concordia that would include links to the final versions of your text/work; and inclusion into Scopus and Orchid platforms.
Establish close collaborative ties with the newly established Concordia University Press in order to publish and market fiction and non-fiction books/ publications by CUPFA authors.