
Leslie Barker

Chair of Communications

As CUPFA’s Chair of Communications, Leslie Barker will bring the energy and experience of more than 30 years of part-time teaching in Concordia’s Department of Health, Kinesiology, and
Applied Physiology (Exercise Science), as a current CUPFA representative on Senate and the University’s Fall Break committee, also a long-time department Hiring Committee member.

A variety of professional experiences have required and developed responsible, respectful, and clear connections with individuals and groups, motivated engagement with colleagues and students, and a commitment to improving existing communication procedures (website, bulletins, frequent updates, feedback opportunities, etc.) for better collaboration and outcomes.

Degrees in both English Literature and Education, certificates in Teaching English as a Second Language and College Teaching along with a strong background as a former teacher, department chair, and Senate chair at a large, local CEGEP have brought many years of intuitive listening, promotion of community and individual feedback, strengthening of consultation and reporting structures, and value-oriented professional priorities.

With a track record of effective teamwork and determined advocacy, Leslie recognizes the importance of a respectful balance between open consultation and appropriate confidentiality during the work of building and problem-solving on behalf of a large association of active, motivated professionals. Issues of trust and loyalty among members based on meaningful outreach with maximum productive transparency will help our association remain responsive to members’ needs and ideas, with continued success in acquiring employment benefits for all of us.